Frequently Asked Questions

What is OutFox Online?

OutFox Online is an online service which allows you to save/load scores remotely. It also adds leaderboards to your gameplay to see where you stand amongst the rest!

Why would I want that?

Being able to see all your scores online, comparing scores to friends/rivals, discovering new popular content, tracking progress, plenty of reasons!

My friends play with Dance mode with DDR scoring and I play with ITG, how can we rival each other?

That's okay! OutFox Online does all the scoring calculatations server side. This means it doesnt matter what your friend plays, you can see any scores they got with any timing windows!

For dance, that would include:

  • Original OutFox
  • Modern DDR
  • ITG
  • ITG-FAPlus
  • ITG-EX
  • What about other modes? I like Pump and KBX!

    Those modes all work with OutFox online too!

    I want to save scores, but I do not use the OutFox theme, can I still do that?

    Support is built directly into the OutFox game engine, score saving can work right out the box on ANY theme. Score loading and showing the leaderboard only requires minimal effort to add to a theme. OFLeaderboard Actor

    How do I set up OutFox online?

    1. Create an account at OutFox Online
    2. Create a local profile in OutFox. Options->Local Profiles->Create Profile
    3. Next you will need to link your profile to your OutFox online account. Go to the Dashboard and click generate link code
    4. Edit your profile and click 'Link to OutFox Online' and enter the 4 digit code.

    Can I have more the one profile linked to OutFox Online?

    Yes! Some people like having different profiles for different game types or controllers! Feel free to link as many as you need.

    What about USB memory cards?

    1. Go to the Dashboard and click 'Copy API Key'
    2. Edit the type.ini file inside your profile folder on your USB drive
    3. Add your token there
    (todo: test and make sure this still works)

    What the heck is the guest login feature?

    *Show screenshots on how this works* you can login without a local profile

    Can I use GrooveStats/BoogieStats at the same time?

    yup, how this works with guest profile, and how you need a theme that supports GS/BS

    Why does the website suck?

    Cause cube sucks

    Where do I ask for help?


    What version of OutFox should I be using?

    a43!!!!! or higher